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A member registered Dec 13, 2016

Recent community posts

That first sword animation is so cool! Maybe you could add more variations of those as combo attacks, to make it less dull if the player always sees the same animation, but it depends on the type of game.

Also the farm pack seems to be missing sheeps (ideally in both a wooly and sheered state). I feel like they would be quite essential farm animals, as well as other baby versions of the existing animals, like calfs, lambs and piglets.

Anyway, love that minimalistic style and keep up the good work! :)

Hey. I quite like this character, but the lack of an idle animation makes him a bit useless for my purposes. Would you mind adding one?

Yup, it works now. Thank you for looking into it; I first thought it had something to do on my end.

You can't believe how helpful this overview is to me. Since I use a lot of tweening (in Playmaker) in my projects I often have to eyeball and test wich easing type fits the best, but with this it's going to be a lot "easier" (*wink*).

Though for some reason my Unity 5.3 keeps crashing when I try to open the Intro- or TestEase-Scene, even when copying only the assets into a new project, weird. Still, fine work mister.